Browse the Essential Scots-English dictionary
- a'
- aback
- able
- ablow
- a'bodie
- a'bodie's bodie
- aboot
- abreist
- abstrack
- abuin
- abuise
- academy
- accep
- ach
- ack
- ackwart
- acquant
- adae
- advocate
- ae
- aefauld
- Aefauldlie
- aff
- affcome
- affeck
- affgo
- aff-loof
- aff o yer eggs
- affpit
- affrontit
- affset
- afftak
- affuird
- afore
- aften
- again
- age
- agin
- agley
- Ah
- aheid
- ahin
- aiblins
- aickle
- aik
- ail
- ailiss
- ain
- aince
- ainsel
- aipple
- airch
- airgument
- airieplane
- airm
- airmie
- airn
- airt
- airticle
- ait
- aither
- aix
- aizle
- ajee
- akin kind
- alan
- alane
- alang
- ale
- allan-hawk
- aller
- alloo
- amaist
- amang
- ambeetious
- amissin
- amnae
- amn't
- an
- an aw
- ane
- aneath
- anent
- anither
- Annicker's midden
- annoonce
- antle
- antrin
- anxeeitie
- apairt
- appeteet
- April Gowk
- aquavitae
- a'ready
- argie
- argie-bargie
- ark
- arnae
- aroon
- arrae
- artifeecial
- ashet
- aside
- ask
- asklent
- ass
- asseer
- astragal
- at
- aten
- athoot
- athort
- atterie
- atweel
- atween
- atweesh
- aucht
- auld
- auld enemy
- auld-farrant
- auld-fashioned
- Auld Hornie
- auld laird
- Auld Reekie
- auld Sandie
- Auld Suitie
- auld-warld
- auld wife
- auld wifie's sookers
- Auld Year
- aumrie
- auntie
- Auntie Beenie
- ava
- Averil
- aw
- awa
- awaird
- awaur
- a'ways
- awe
- aweel
- awfu
- awn
- awright
- aw roads
- awthegither
- ay
- aye
- ayeweys
- ba
- ba
- bab at the bowster
- back
- back an fore
- backarts
- back coort
- backdoor trot
- back end
- backet
- back-gangin
- backie
- backin
- backland
- backlins
- backset
- backsey
- backside
- backsides
- bad
- badderlocks
- badly
- bad place
- baff
- baggie
- baikie
- bailie
- baird
- bairdie
- bairdie lotchie
- bairge
- bairn
- bairnie
- bairnlie
- baist
- bait
- baith
- bake
- bake-board
- baken
- balderrie
- ballant
- ballop
- Balmoral
- baloo
- bambor
- bampot
- banannie
- band
- bane
- bang
- banjo
- bannock
- banstickle
- bap
- bar
- barefit
- baries
- barken
- barkit
- barley
- barley-bree
- barley play
- barra
- barrie
- bar-the-door
- bash
- bass
- bate
- bather
- batter
- bauch
- bauchle
- baudrons
- bauk
- bauld
- baunk
- baurber
- baw baws
- bawbee
- bawd
- baw-faced
- bawheid
- bawsant
- bawtie
- bead
- beadle
- beal
- bealach
- bealin
- beamer
- beas
- bease
- beastie heid
- beck
- bedfast
- beds
- bee-baw-babbetie
- beef
- beek
- beerial
- beerie
- beest
- beet
- beezer
- begeck
- begowk
- behaud
- behoochie
- be intae
- belang
- beld
- bell
- bell heather
- bellies
- belloch
- belly-blind
- belly-flaucht
- belt
- belted Galloway
- ben
- bennel
- bent
- bere
- berries
- besom
- bessie
- best maid
- bethankit
- better
- betterness
- beuk
- bew
- bewaur
- bey
- beyont
- bick
- bicker
- bid
- bidden
- biddin
- bide
- bidie-in
- bidit
- bield
- bien
- big
- biggin
- biggit
- big hoose
- big miss
- big sma faimilie
- bile
- bilf
- bilin
- billet
- billie
- Billy
- bin
- bind
- bing
- binger
- bink
- bird
- birk
- birkie
- birl
- birr
- birse
- birselt
- birsie
- birsle
- birst
- bit
- bittie
- bittle
- bizz
- black
- blackberry
- black bun
- black cock
- blackie
- black man
- blacks
- black-strippit ba
- black sugar
- black traicle
- blade
- blae
- blaeberry
- blaes
- blain
- blame
- blash
- blashie
- blast
- blate
- blatter
- blaud
- blaw
- blawdoon
- blear
- blearie
- bleck
- bleeze
- bleezin
- blether
- bletheration
- bletherskate
- blib
- blide
- blin
- blin drift
- blin fair
- blin Harrie
- blink
- blinker
- blinkers
- blinkie
- blin lump
- blirt
- bliss
- blob
- block, hammer and nail
- blooter
- blootert
- blowst
- bluebell
- blue keeker
- blue nose
- bluffert
- bluid
- bluidshed
- bluim
- blybe
- boak
- boakie
- bob
- bocht
- bockie
- bodach
- boddom
- bode
- bodie
- bodle
- bog-bleater
- bog-cotton
- bogie
- bogle
- bole
- bo-man
- bonnet
- bonnie
- bonnie penny
- bonspiel
- bonxie
- boo
- boodie
- bool
- boolie
- boon
- boorach
- boorachie
- boortree
- bootch
- bore
- borestone
- bosie
- boss
- bothy
- boucht
- bouet
- bouff
- bouk
- boukit
- bow
- bowbrig
- bowdie
- bowf
- bowfin
- bowie
- bow-kail
- bowlie
- bowlie-leggit
- bowsie
- bowster
- bowsterous
- bowstock
- bowt
- box
- box-bed
- boy
- boyne
- brace
- brae
- braid
- braid oot
- braid Scotland
- braid Scots
- brain
- braith
- brak
- brakefast
- bramble
- brammed-up
- brammer
- brander
- brang
- branks
- brash
- brat
- brattle
- braw
- Braw Lad
- Braw Lass
- brawlie
- braws
- braxy
- brecham
- bree
- breed
- breek
- breekums
- breem
- breenge
- breengin
- breer
- breet
- breid
- breird
- breist
- brent
- bress
- brewster
- bricht
- bridie
- brief
- brig
- brinkie-broo
- brither
- brither-dochter
- brither-son
- brittle
- brizz
- broch
- brocht
- brock
- brockit
- brod
- brog
- brogue
- broken
- broo
- brook
- broon
- broonie
- brose
- brosie
- brosie-heidit
- browden
- browden on
- bruckle
- brukken
- brunt
- bubble
- bubblie
- bubbly jock
- bucket
- bucket-scranner
- buckie
- buff
- buffets
- bug
- buik
- buik-lair
- buird
- buirdly
- buit
- bul
- bullax
- buller
- bullie
- bullox
- bum
- bumbaze
- bumbee
- bum-clock
- bumfie
- bumfle
- bumflie
- bummer
- bummin
- bummle
- bumps
- bun
- bund
- bung
- bung-fu
- bunker
- bur
- burd-alane
- burgh
- burn
- burnie
- buroo
- burr-thistle
- bursen
- bursten
- burstit
- buss
- but
- but and ben
- butch
- butchermeat
- butt
- buttered
- butterie
- buttons
- by
- by-common
- bygane
- byganes
- bygaun
- byke
- by-name
- by-ordinar
- byre
- by's
- ca
- ca
- ca awa
- cabal
- cabbie-labbie
- cabbitch
- caber
- caddie
- cadge
- cadger
- cadger's news
- cadie
- caff
- ca for
- cahootchie
- caibin
- cailleach
- cair
- caird
- cairngorm
- cairpet
- cairriage
- cairrie
- cairried
- cairrie-oot
- cairt
- cairter
- cairtie
- callant
- caller
- caller oo
- cam
- caman
- camceil
- came
- cammock
- camshauchle
- camstairie
- can
- canaul
- candibrod
- canker
- cankerit
- cannae
- cannas
- cannie
- cannle
- cantie
- cantle
- cantle up
- cantrip
- ca oot
- cap
- capercailzie
- capernoitie
- car
- carb
- carefu
- carfuffle
- cargo
- cark
- carle
- carline
- carnaptious
- carrant
- carsackie
- carse
- casket
- cassin
- cast
- cast aboot
- casten
- castock
- cast oot
- cat and bat
- catch
- catchers
- catchie clappie
- catchit
- ca-throu
- ca throu
- cat's een
- cat's face
- cat's lick
- catterbatter
- cattie
- cattle
- cattle beasts
- cattle creep
- cat-wittit
- caucht
- cauf
- cauf grund
- cauk
- cauld
- cauld creep
- cauldit
- cauld kail het again
- cauldrife
- caur
- cause
- causey
- caution
- cavie
- ceilidh
- certie
- chack
- chacks
- chaff
- chaffie
- chaft blade
- chafts
- chain tig
- chairge
- champ
- champit tatties
- chances
- chancie
- channel
- channer
- chanter
- chantie
- chap
- chape
- chapman
- chapper
- chappit tatties
- chaps
- chasie
- chat
- chatter
- chattert
- chattit
- chaumer
- chaw
- cheat
- cheatrie
- check
- cheek
- cheen
- cheenie
- cheep
- cheeper
- cheer
- cheerie-bye
- cheese
- cheet
- cheugh
- chib
- chice
- chief
- chield
- childer
- chile
- chimbley
- chimbley-heid
- chincough
- chingle
- chinnie bairdie
- chippit
- chirk
- chirl
- chirm
- chirple
- chirt
- chist
- chitter
- chitterin bit
- chock
- chollers
- chookie
- chookie birdie
- chore
- chow
- chowk
- chowks
- chowl
- chowp
- Christmas
- chuck
- chucken
- chuckie
- chuddie
- chug
- chum
- chummy seat
- chuse
- chynge
- chynge yersel
- cinner
- clabber
- clabbydhu
- clachan
- clack
- claddin
- claes
- claes pole
- claes raip
- clag
- claggie
- claggum
- claik
- claith
- clam
- clamb
- clamihewit
- clamjamfrie
- clamp
- clang
- clap
- clappit-in
- clapshot
- clarsach
- clarsair
- clart
- clartie
- clash
- clashmaclavers
- clash-pyot
- clat
- clatch
- clatter
- clatters
- claucht
- claught
- claut
- claver
- claymore
- clean
- cleck
- cleckin
- cled
- cleed
- cleek
- cleek in wi
- cleekit
- cleesh
- cleg
- clep
- cleuch
- cleuk
- clever
- clift
- clim
- climmed
- clinch
- cling
- clink
- clink doon
- clint
- clip
- clippin
- clipshear
- clish
- clish-clash
- clishmaclaver
- clitter-clatter
- cloak
- clocher
- clock
- clocker
- clockin
- clockin hen
- clod
- clog
- cloit
- cloiter
- clomph
- cloor
- cloot
- clootie
- clootie dumplin
- clootie rug
- clorach
- close
- close mou
- closhach
- closie
- clowe
- clud
- cludgie
- cluif
- clung
- clunk
- clyack
- Clyde
- clype
- clype on
- clyte
- coachbell
- coalie-back
- coat
- cob
- coble
- cocker
- cockie leekie
- cockieleerie
- cockle
- cocks and hens
- cod
- coff
- coft
- cog
- coggle
- cogglie
- cole
- colf
- coll
- colleague
- college
- collieshangie
- collogue
- collop
- comatee
- come
- come away
- come back on
- come in
- come in by
- come o
- come on
- come ower
- come tae
- come through
- commands
- Common Riding
- common stair
- compear
- compleen
- complouter
- conceit
- conceitie
- conflummix
- connach
- conteen
- conteena
- conter
- contermacious
- contrair
- convener
- conversation
- convoy
- coo
- cooard
- cooardie
- cooardie lick
- cood
- coof
- cook
- cookie
- coom
- coomceil
- coomceiled
- coomed
- coont
- coonter-lowper
- coop
- coor
- coorgie
- coorie
- coorie doon
- coorie in
- coorse
- coort
- coot
- cooter
- cootie
- copy
- Corbett
- corbie
- corbie messenger
- corbie stanes
- cord
- cordiner
- core
- cork
- corkie
- corn
- corn beef
- cornet
- corn kist
- corn kister
- corn yaird
- coronach
- corp
- corp candle
- corrie
- corrie-fistit
- corrieneuchin
- cosh
- cosy
- cotch
- cot-folk
- cot hoose
- cottar
- counger
- countra
- countra clash
- countra Jock
- couple
- coupon
- couthie
- cow
- cowe
- cower
- cowk
- cown
- cowp
- cowp-cairt
- cowper
- cowp the creels
- cowshus
- cowt
- crabbit
- crack
- cracker
- crackers
- craig
- craighle
- craigit heron
- craik
- craitur
- cran
- cranachan
- crane
- crank
- crankie
- crannie
- crannog
- cranreuch
- crap
- crappin
- crappit heids
- craw
- crawsteps
- craw's waddin
- craw-taes
- cream crowdie
- creek o day
- creel
- creep
- creepie
- creep in
- creepit
- creep oot
- creep ower
- creep thegither
- creesh
- creeshie
- crib
- crimpet
- crine
- crivvens
- crochle
- crock
- crockaneetion
- croft
- crofter
- croichle
- croodle
- croodlin doo
- croon
- croon o the causey
- croop
- croose
- croot
- cross
- cross-fit
- crottle
- crowdie
- crowl
- crub
- crudle
- cruds
- crue
- cruik
- cruikit
- cruisie
- cruive
- crulge
- crummock
- crump
- crumpie
- crunkle
- crunt
- cruppen
- cruppen doon
- cry
- cry in
- cry on
- cud
- cuddie
- cuddle
- cuddy-lowp
- cude
- cudnae
- cuff
- cuff o the neck
- cuik
- cuil
- cuist
- cuisten
- cuit
- cuiter
- Cullen skink
- culyie
- cummer
- cundie
- cunning
- cunyie
- curcuddoch
- curdoo
- curl
- curl-doddie
- curler
- curling
- curling stone
- curly green
- curmur
- curn
- curpin
- curran
- currie
- currieboram
- currie-wurrie
- cushat
- cut
- cutchack
- cuttance
- cutter
- cuttin laif
- cuttit
- cutty
- cutty clay
- cutty quine
- cutty sark
- cutty stool
- cutty wran
- c'wa
- cwile
- cyaak
- da
- da
- dab
- dabber
- dabbitie
- daberlacks
- dacent
- dacker
- dackle
- dadderie
- dae
- daeless
- daff
- daffin
- daft
- daft days
- daft Erchie
- daftie
- daft-like
- daft on
- dag
- daidle
- daigh
- daighie
- daik
- daimen
- dainty
- daith
- dale
- dall
- dambrod
- dame
- dan
- dancer
- dander
- dang
- darg
- darger
- Dark Blues
- dask
- dass
- dat
- daud
- daunce
- daunton
- daur
- daut
- dautie
- daver
- daw
- dawkie
- day
- daylicht
- deas
- deasil
- deave
- dee
- deef
- deefenin
- deefie
- deef nit
- deek
- deem
- deen
- deep plate
- Dees
- deevilock
- defait
- defender
- deg
- deid
- deid-ill
- deid-kist
- deid man's bells
- deid thraw
- deil
- deil's bird
- deil's buckie
- deil's dizzen
- delf
- dell
- delt
- dem
- demain
- dementit
- den
- denner
- dentylion
- deochandorus
- depooperit
- depute
- derf
- derk
- dern
- dert
- destrick
- deval
- dewgs
- dey
- deyd
- diced
- diced up
- dicht
- dichtin
- diddle
- didnae
- diet
- differ
- dilgit
- dill
- dilse
- din
- dine
- ding
- dinge
- dinger
- dinghy
- dingle
- dinglie-doosie
- dink
- dinkie
- dinnae
- dinner scuil
- dinnle
- dint
- dip
- dir
- dird
- dirdum
- dirk
- dirl
- dirl aff
- dirlie-bane
- dirl up
- dirt
- dirten
- dirty thowe
- dis
- discreet
- disjaskit
- disnae
- dit
- divot
- dixie
- dizzen
- dizzie
- dob
- dobbie
- dochter
- dock
- docken
- dockit
- doctor
- dod
- doddie
- dods
- doer
- dog it
- dog's flourish
- dog's hip
- doilt
- doist
- doit
- doitert
- doll
- dominie
- don
- done
- donnert
- donsie
- doo
- dooble
- doocot
- doodle
- dook
- dooker
- dookers
- dookie up
- dool
- doolie
- doon
- doon-by
- Doonhamers
- doon-haud
- doonie
- doonies
- doon leukin
- doon mooth
- doon-settin
- doon-sittin
- doon sooth
- doop
- doop o day
- door
- door-cheek
- door-stane
- doose
- doosht
- doot
- dorb
- dorro
- dort
- dortie
- dose
- doss
- dot
- dottelt
- dotter
- dotterel
- dottert
- dottle
- douce
- dour
- douth
- dove
- dover
- dovie
- dowe
- doweless
- dowf
- dowie
- dowp
- dowt
- doze
- dozent
- drabble
- drackie
- drag
- draig
- draigelt
- draigle
- draigon
- draik
- dram
- drammock
- drap
- drappie
- drappit egg
- draucht
- drave
- draw
- draw up
- dree
- dreel
- dreep
- dreepin roast
- dreg
- dreich
- dreid
- dress
- drib
- dribble
- driddle
- drite
- drochle
- drog
- droich
- drookin
- drookit
- drookit stour
- droon
- droothie
- dropped scone
- dross
- droucht
- drouchtie
- drouchtit
- drouth
- drove road
- drowe
- drug
- drum
- drumlie
- drumlin
- drunk
- drunts
- drush
- dry dyke
- dry shave
- dry-stane dyke
- dry-stane dyker
- dry thowe
- du
- dub
- dubbie
- dud
- duddie
- duffie
- dug
- duin
- dult
- dumfooner
- dump
- dumplin
- dunch
- dunderheid
- dung
- dunk
- dunner
- dunnie
- dunnie stairs
- dunt
- dunter
- durk
- durst
- dush
- dust
- dux
- dwaible
- dwaiblie
- dwall
- dwam
- dwamie
- dwam ower
- dwang
- dwine
- dyke
- dyker
- ear
- eariwig
- Earl o Hell
- earn
- easement
- easins
- east
- easter
- eastlins
- easy-osie
- ebb
- edgy
- Edinburrae
- ee
- eechie
- eehole
- eejit
- eeksie-peeksie
- eelie dolly
- eemage
- eemock
- een
- eence
- eendie
- eening
- eenoo
- een peeper
- eerant
- eerie
- eesage
- eetle ottle
- eft
- efter
- efterhin
- efterins
- efternuin
- eightsome
- eik
- eild
- elbuck
- eldritch
- eleeven
- eleevent
- Elfin
- else
- elt
- ely
- Embra
- emerteen
- en
- endlang
- endless
- endrig
- endweys
- eneuch
- Englified
- English and Scots
- entry
- equal-aqual
- erd
- ere
- erethestreen
- esh
- esp
- ether
- ett
- etten
- etter
- ettercap
- ettle
- even
- evendoon
- evenly
- even on
- everly
- ewe gowan
- excaise
- exerceese
- expensive
- explore
- export
- eydent
- eyntment
- eywiz
- fa
- fa awa
- fa by
- face
- face caird
- facie
- facile
- fack
- factor
- faddom
- fadge
- fae
- faem
- faggot
- faik
- fail
- faimilie
- fain
- fair
- Fair City
- faird
- fair hornie
- fairin
- fair-spoken
- faisible
- faither
- faize
- false face
- fank
- fankle
- fankled
- fantoosh
- fa ower
- far ben
- farce
- fardel
- farin
- farl
- far oot
- far ower
- far seen
- far throu
- fash
- fashious
- fastern's een
- fat
- fa-tae
- fatterals
- fauch
- fauchie
- fauld
- fause
- faut
- favour
- faw
- fear
- feardie
- fearfu
- feart
- feat
- Februar
- fecht
- fechter
- feck
- feckfu
- fedder
- fee
- feech
- feechie
- feein market
- feel
- feem
- feenish
- feerich
- feesant
- feeze
- fegs
- feifteen
- feifteent
- fell
- fella
- feltie
- fend
- fent
- fer
- fere
- ferlie
- ferm
- fermer
- ferm toon
- fern
- ferntickle
- fernyear
- ferrier
- ferry
- ferry-lowper
- fesh
- fest
- fettle
- fey
- ficher
- fickle
- fiddler's biddin
- fidge
- fient
- fift
- fill
- filler
- find
- fine
- fine piece
- finick
- Finnan
- fire
- fire-flaucht
- fireside tartan
- firies
- first
- first fit
- first fitter
- first floor
- fir tap
- firth
- fiscal
- fish
- fit
- fitba
- fit fowk
- fitin
- fit-road
- fitter
- five-stanes
- fivver
- fizz
- flae
- flaff
- flan
- flannen
- flap
- flash
- flat
- flaucht
- flauchter
- flauntie
- flech
- flee
- fleein
- fleem
- fleet
- fleetch
- fleg
- flesh
- flesher
- fleuk
- fley
- flichan
- flicht
- flichter
- fling
- flisk
- fliskie
- flist
- flit
- flitter
- flittin
- floan
- flocht
- flochter
- flooer
- flourish
- flow
- fluff
- fluffer
- fluir
- fluther
- fly cup
- flype
- flyte
- flyting
- fob
- focht
- fochten
- fodge
- fog
- foggie bee
- folla
- follower
- fond
- foo
- fool
- foond
- foonder
- foonds
- foonert
- foosome
- foost
- foostie
- foosty
- footer
- footerie
- footh
- footie
- for
- forby
- forder
- fore-end
- forefolk
- forehaimmer
- forehand
- foreheid
- foremaist
- forenent
- forenicht
- forenuin
- foreside
- forestair
- Forfar bridie
- forfauchelt
- forfochen
- forgaither
- forget
- forgettle
- forgie
- forhoo
- forjeskit
- fork
- forker
- forkie golach
- forlaithie
- forleet
- for ordinar
- forrit
- forritsome
- fotch
- fother
- fou
- foumart
- foursome reel
- fowe
- fower
- fowersie
- fowersome
- fowert
- fowk
- fozie
- fraik
- frame
- fraucht
- frawart
- free
- freen
- freenge
- freest
- freet
- freit
- freith
- fremd
- French cake
- French loaf
- frequent
- fresh
- freuch
- Freuchie
- fricht
- frichten
- frizz
- fro
- front
- froon
- frost
- frowe
- frugal
- frull
- frush
- fry
- fud
- fuff
- fuffie
- fuffle
- fuftie
- fuggle
- fugie
- fuid
- fuil
- fuird
- Fuirsday
- ful
- full pin
- fummle
- fun
- funcie
- funcie piece
- fund
- fung
- funny
- fuppertie jig
- furm
- furr
- furth
- furthie
- furth o
- fushion
- fushionless
- fusker
- fusper
- fussoch
- fussy
- futret
- fuzzie
- fyke
- fykie
- fyle
- fyow
- gaan
- gab
- gabbie
- gaberlunzie
- gadge
- gae
- gae awa
- gae back
- gaed
- gae done
- gaein
- gae in
- gae intae
- gae in wi
- Gael
- gae ower
- gae tae
- gae thegither
- gae throu
- gae wi
- gaff
- gaffaw
- gaig
- gaillie
- gaily
- gair
- gaird
- gairden
- gairdener
- gairdener's gairtens
- gairie bee
- gaishon
- gaislin
- gait
- gaither
- gaitherin
- gaithert
- Galatian
- gallant
- Gallovidian
- Galloway
- gallows
- gallus
- galluses
- gallusness
- galshachs
- game
- game watcher
- gamie
- gams
- gan
- gan aboot hen
- gandiegow
- gane
- gang
- gang awa
- gang done
- gang ower
- gangrell
- gang thegither
- gang throu
- ganner
- gan on aboot
- gansey
- gansh
- gant
- gantry
- gar
- gardy
- gardyloo
- garron
- garten
- gash
- gate
- gate end
- gate-slap
- gauger
- gaun
- gaun-aboot bodie
- gaunae
- gaup
- gaupie
- gaupit
- gaut
- gavel
- gavelock
- gaw
- gawk
- gawkie
- gawkit
- gawpus
- gawsie
- gean
- gear
- gebbie
- geck
- gee
- geed
- geem
- geen
- geg
- geggie
- gell
- gelled
- gentie
- geo
- Gers
- get
- get away
- get by
- get on tae
- get oot wi
- get ower
- get roon
- get throu
- gey
- ghaist
- gib
- gibberie
- gibble-gabble
- gibbles
- gibblet
- gie
- gied
- gie ower
- gie's
- gif
- giff-gaff
- gig
- gigot
- gill
- gillie
- gilly-gawpus
- gilpie
- gilravage
- gim
- gimme
- gimmer
- gin
- ginge
- gingebreid
- ginger
- gink
- gird
- girdle
- girdle scone
- girn
- girnel
- girnie
- girse
- girsie
- girsle
- girth
- given
- given name
- gizinties
- gizzen
- gizzent
- glack
- glag
- glaik
- glaikie
- glaikit
- glaim
- glaister
- glaizie
- glamour
- glamp
- glance on
- glaum
- glaur
- glaurie
- glaursel
- glebe
- gled
- gledge
- gleed
- gleet
- gleg
- gleg-eared
- gleg-eed
- gleg-gabbit
- glegness
- glegs
- glen
- glent
- Glesca
- Glesca keelie
- Glesca screwdriver
- gless
- glessack
- glesser
- glessie
- gley
- gleyed
- gley-eyed
- gleytness
- glib
- glib-gabbit
- glid
- gliff
- glim-glam
- glimmer
- glintin
- glisk
- glit
- glittie
- gloam
- gloamin
- glob
- glock
- glog
- gloss
- glossy
- glowe
- glower
- glugger
- gluive
- glumph
- glumsh
- glunsh
- glut
- gnap
- gnap-at-the-win
- gneck
- gnib
- gnipper and gnapper
- gnyauve
- go
- goam
- goamless
- goat
- gog
- goggie
- goggles
- golach
- goldie
- goller
- gollie
- gollop
- gomerel
- gonnae
- goo
- goolie
- goon
- goonie
- goor
- goose
- gorb
- gorbie
- gorble
- gorblin
- gorge
- gorlin
- gorroch
- got
- gote
- gotten
- goudie
- gove
- govie
- gowan
- gowd
- gowden
- gowdie
- gowdie duck
- gowdspink
- gowf
- gowf links
- gowf stick
- gowk
- gowkie
- gowkit
- gowkoo
- gowk's day
- gowk's errand
- gowk's meat
- gowk-spit
- gowk's storm
- gowk's thimmles
- gowl
- gowp
- gowpen
- gowpenfu
- gowst
- gowster
- gowsterie
- gowsterous
- gowstie
- grab
- grabbie
- grabble
- gracie
- grain
- graip
- graith
- gralloch
- granich
- grannie
- grannie at
- grannie mutch
- grannie's bairn
- grannie's mutch
- grannie's sooker
- grapple
- grappling
- grapus
- grat
- gravat
- graveyaird deserter
- graveyaird hoast
- gray
- grayback
- gray face
- gray hen
- gray paper
- great
- great-hertit
- gree
- greeable
- greement
- green
- green grape
- greenichtie
- greenie pole
- green lady
- green lintie
- greeshach
- greeshoch
- greet
- greetie
- greetin ee
- greetin face
- greetin meetin
- greetin Teenie
- gress
- gret
- grew
- grew hound
- grice
- grieve
- grilse
- grim
- grime
- grip
- grip in
- grippie
- grip tae
- groatie
- groff
- groosie
- groozle
- groser
- growe
- grown-up
- growthe
- growthie
- grub
- grubber
- grudge
- grue
- gruel
- gruggle
- gruip
- grumlie
- grummel
- grummle
- grummlie
- grumph
- grumphie
- grunch
- grund
- grund ebb
- gruntie
- gruntle
- grunyie
- gruppen
- gruse
- grush
- grushie
- grutten
- gry
- gub
- guddle
- gudge
- gudgie
- guess
- guest
- guff
- guffie
- guga
- guid
- Guid Book
- guid-bye
- guide
- guideen
- guider
- guidlie
- guid man
- guid place
- guidsire
- guid wife
- guidwillie
- guid words
- guil
- guilt
- guise
- guiser
- Guiser Jarl
- guisin
- guiss
- gull
- gullet
- gullie
- gulliegaw
- gulsoch
- gum
- gump
- gumph
- gumphie
- gumsh
- gun
- gunch
- gundie
- gunk
- gurl
- gurlie
- gurr
- gurrie
- gurthie
- guse
- guse-grass
- gus-gus
- gushel
- gushet
- gushet-neuk
- gussie
- gust
- gustie
- guts
- gutser
- gutsie
- gutsin
- gutter
- gutterie
- guttie
- guttie ba
- guttie-perkie
- guy
- guys
- guzzle
- gyaan
- gyan
- gyaun
- gype
- gyper
- gypit
- gyte
- gyter
- ha
- haaf
- haar
- haar-frost
- haarie
- habber
- habble
- habit and repute
- hack
- hackin stock
- hackit
- hackle
- hacky duck
- haddie
- hadna
- hae
- haen
- haet
- haffet
- hag
- hagger
- haggle
- ha hoose
- haid
- haik
- hail
- hail-heartit
- hail-heidit
- haillie
- hailscart
- hail-skinnt
- hail-tear
- hail watter
- haimmer
- haims
- hain
- hainch
- haingle
- hainin
- hain in
- hair
- hairm
- hair mould
- hairp
- hairst
- hairstane
- hairy
- hairy grannie
- hairy-mooldit
- hairy oobit
- hairy tatties
- haister
- hait
- haithen
- haiveless
- haiver
- haiverel
- haiverin
- haizer
- half
- half-cousin
- half gaits
- half gone
- half-hoose
- halfie
- halfies
- halflin
- halflins
- half-loaf
- half-roads
- halfways
- halie
- hallaby
- hallan
- hallanshaker
- hallion
- hallock
- hallockit
- hallow
- Hallowday
- halver
- halvers
- ham
- ham-a-haddie
- hame
- hamecomin
- hame-drauchtit
- hamefare
- hame-gaun
- hamelie
- hame-made
- hameower
- hameward
- hamewith
- hamit
- Hampden roar
- hanch
- hand
- handba
- handband
- hand-breed
- hand-cloot
- handie
- handlawhile
- handless
- handlin
- hand lin
- hand-roon-tea
- handsel
- Handsel Monday
- hand-waled
- handwrite
- handy
- hangie
- hangit
- hangrell
- hanker
- hannle
- hantie
- hantle
- hap
- happen
- happenin
- happent
- happer
- happy
- hapshackle
- hap, step and lowp
- hapwarm
- hard
- hard breid
- harden
- hard fish
- hardie
- hardlies
- hard neck
- hard-set
- hard up
- hardy
- hare's lug
- harigals
- hark
- harl
- harn
- harnish
- harns
- harra
- hash
- hasher
- hashie
- hashie-bashie
- hashter
- hask
- hassock
- hasty brose
- hat
- hatter
- hattie
- hauch
- haud
- haud aff yersel
- haud again
- haud at
- haud awa
- haud by
- haud-doon
- haud for
- haudin
- haud in
- haud in aboot
- haud in wi
- haud on
- haud oot
- haud tae
- haud till
- haud up
- haud up wi
- haud wi
- haugh
- haul
- haunt
- haunwritin
- haurd
- hause
- hausebane
- hausepipe
- haver
- haw
- Hawick ba
- hawkie
- hawkit
- haw-spitter
- hazel
- hazel oil
- hazy
- he
- headicks and pinticks
- heal
- heap
- hear
- hearer
- hearing
- hearken
- hearken tae
- heather
- heather bell
- heather-bleater
- heathery
- heathery heid
- heave
- heavy
- heavy-footed
- hech
- hech how
- hechle
- heck
- hecker
- heckle
- heckled biscuit
- heckum-peckum
- heed
- heedrum hodrum
- heefer
- hee haw
- heel
- heeliegoleerie
- heelster heid
- heest
- heeze
- heezie
- heezie-hozie
- heffer
- heft
- heich
- heichen
- heich-heidit
- heicht
- heid
- heidbanger
- heid bummer
- heider
- heid-heich
- heidie
- heidiepeer
- heidmaist
- heid rigg
- heid room
- heidsheaf
- heid yin
- helm
- help
- helper
- helplie
- hempie
- hen
- hen-cavie
- hen-hertit
- hen-laft
- henner
- hennie
- hen-picks
- hen plooks
- hen's eeran
- hen's flesh
- hen's taes
- hen-taed
- hen-wife
- herbour
- herd
- here
- hereanent
- herle
- hern
- heronshew
- herrie
- herrin
- hersel
- hert
- hertalane
- hert-dry
- hertenin
- hert-glad
- hert-hale
- hert-hunger
- hertie
- hert-lazy
- hertless
- hert-likin
- hert-roasted
- hert-sair
- hert-scaud
- hertsome
- hert-sorry
- hert-stound
- hesp
- het
- het hert
- het-skinned
- heuch
- heud
- heuk
- heukbane
- hey
- hey-fowk
- hey-ma-nannie
- heyzer
- Hibees
- hick
- hickertie-pickertie
- hid
- hiddle
- hiddlie
- hidie
- hidie-go
- hidie-hole
- hidlin
- hidlins
- hieland
- Hielander
- Hielan Donald
- high English
- high-kiltit
- high kirk
- high shooder
- high tea
- high tig
- hilch
- hill
- hillock
- hill-run
- hilt
- himsel
- hind
- hinder
- hinderend
- hindersome
- hindmaist
- hing
- hing aboot
- hinger
- hinger-in
- hingers
- hingie
- hingin
- hing in
- hingin-like
- hingin-luggit
- hingin mince
- hingin-mou'd
- hing-on
- hing on
- hing tae
- hing-thegither
- hing up
- hinkum sneevlie
- hinnae
- hinnie
- hinnie-pear
- hint
- hint-end
- hint-hand
- hint-side
- hint-side foremaist
- hip
- hip-grippit
- hippans
- hippertie-skippertie
- hippin
- hippit
- hippitie
- hir
- hirple
- hirsel
- hirsel yont
- hirst
- hirstie
- hirtch
- his
- hish
- hish-hash
- hishie
- hisnae
- hi-spy
- hist
- hit
- hitch
- hitchie-koo
- hither
- hither an yon
- hitten
- hives
- hizzie
- hizzle
- ho
- hoaliday
- hoast
- hobble
- hobble bog
- hoch
- hoch aye
- hoch band
- hochle
- hodden
- hodden gray
- hoddle
- hodge
- hogg
- hogger
- hogg-score
- Hogmanay
- hoise
- hole
- hole in the wa
- hole on
- holes
- holiepied
- hollin
- holm
- homer
- honest
- Honest Lad
- Honest Lass
- Honest Men
- honesty
- hoo
- hooch
- hooie
- hooker-doon
- hookie
- hoolet
- hoops
- hoose
- hoose ba
- hoose devil
- hoose-end
- hoose-fast
- hoose-gear
- hoose-heatin
- hoose-heid
- hoose-side
- hoose-tied
- hoosework
- hoot
- hope
- hoppin beds
- horl
- horn
- horn daft
- horn-dry
- horned golach
- horner
- horn-idle
- hornie
- horoyally
- horse
- horse-buckie
- horse gowan
- horse-mussel
- hose
- hose-fish
- hoshen
- hot
- hotch
- hotchin
- hotter
- hotterel
- hottle
- hough
- hound
- hove
- hover
- hovie
- how
- howd
- howder
- howdie
- howdiein
- howdle
- howe
- howe backit
- howe o the winter
- howf
- howk
- howp
- howtowdie
- hozle
- hubble
- hudder
- hudderie
- hudderie-dudderie
- hudge
- hudge-mudge
- hugger
- huggerie-muggerie
- huggert
- hugmahush
- huid
- huidie
- huil
- huild
- huilie
- hulster
- hum
- humbug
- hum-drum
- humlock
- hummel
- hummel doddie
- hummle
- humour
- humph
- humphed
- humphie
- humphie-back
- humphie-backit
- humple
- Hun
- hunch
- hunch-cuddy-hunch
- hunchie
- hund
- hunder
- hunger
- hungert
- hungry
- hunker-bane
- hunker doon
- hunker-slide
- hunt
- huntiegowk
- hunt the staigie
- hunt the tod
- hurcheon
- hurdies
- hurkle
- hurkle-backit
- hurkle-bane
- hurl
- hurl-barra
- hurlie
- hurlie bed
- hurlie-cairt
- hurried
- hurroo
- hurry
- hurry-burry
- hush
- hushie-ba
- hushle
- hushoch
- husk
- hussie
- hut
- hutch
- hutten
- hyke
- hyndies
- hyne
- hypal
- hype
- hyste
- hyte
- hyter
- hythe
- ice shoggle
- idleset
- ignorant
- ile
- ilk
- ilka
- ilkaday
- ill
- ill aboot
- ill-aff
- ill-contrivit
- ill-daer
- ill-deedie
- ill-ee
- ill-faured
- ill for
- ill-hertit
- ill-hung-thegither
- ill-less
- ill-mou'd
- ill-saired
- ill-set
- ill-thochtit
- ill-tongue
- ill-trickit
- ill-will
- ill-willie
- impident
- in
- inbring
- inby
- inch
- income
- indwaller
- in front of
- ingaither
- ingan
- ingang
- ingaun
- ingine
- ingle
- ingle-neuk
- ink-fish
- inklin
- in-kneed
- inlaik
- inlat
- in o
- inower
- inpit
- inquire
- insteid
- intae
- intaed
- intak
- intil
- intimation
- intimmers
- intit
- is
- isnae
- it
- itchy-coo
- ither
- itherwise
- ithoot
- ivery
- ivver
- jabb
- jabble
- jack
- jack easy
- jackie
- jacks
- jag
- jaggie
- jaggie wire
- Jags
- jaicket
- jalouse
- jam
- jandies
- Janet Jo
- janitor
- Januar
- jaud
- jaup
- jaupit
- jaur
- jaurie
- jaw
- jaw-box
- jaw-hole
- jaw-lock
- jeck
- jee
- jeed
- jeedge
- jeeg
- jeeger
- jeegle
- jeeglie
- jeel
- jeelie
- jeelie-heidit
- jeelie jaur
- jeelie neb
- jeelie pan
- jeelie piece
- Jennie a'things
- Jennie-hunder-feet
- Jennie-lang-legs
- Jennie-monie-feet
- Jennie muck
- Jennie-nettle
- Jennie's blue een
- Jennie spinner
- Jenny
- Jerusalem traveller
- Jessie
- Jethart
- Jethart snails
- jibber
- jibble
- jiggin
- jile
- jillet
- jilp
- jilt
- jimmie
- jimp
- jimpit
- jine
- jiner
- jing-bang
- jingo-ring
- jings
- jink
- jinkie
- jinks
- jint
- jirble
- jirg
- jo
- joab
- job
- jobbie
- Jock
- Jockie
- Jockie blindie
- Jock Tamson's bairns
- jockteleg
- joco
- jog
- Johnnie a'things
- John o Groat's buckie
- joice
- joke
- jokie
- jonick
- joogle
- jooter
- joskin
- jossle
- jot
- jots
- jotter
- joug
- jougal
- jougs
- jouk
- joukerie-pawkerie
- jowe
- jowel
- judgement
- juist
- jummle
- jummlie
- jumpin-rope
- jundie
- junt
- jute
- kae
- kail
- kail time
- kailworm
- kailyaird
- kame
- Katie beardie
- kebbuck
- keck
- keckle
- ked
- keech
- keechie
- keechle
- keeger
- keehoy
- keek
- keek an hide
- keek-bo
- keeker
- keek hole
- keekie-bo
- keekin glass
- keek o day
- keelick
- keelie
- keelin
- keelivine
- keen
- keeng
- keep
- keepie-in
- keepie-up
- keep-up
- keep up
- keer
- keevee
- kelp
- kelpie
- Kelso Laddie
- kelt
- kelter
- kemp
- kempie
- ken
- kenmark
- kennin
- kennle
- kennlin
- kenspeckle
- kent
- kep
- kep again
- kepper
- keppers
- keppit
- keriositie
- kettle
- kettlie
- key
- keys
- kicher
- kick
- kick-ba
- kick the cannie
- kill
- kilt
- kilter
- kiltie
- kim
- kin
- kinch
- kind
- kink
- kink cough
- kin-kind
- kip
- kippit
- kip the scuil
- kirk
- kirk claes
- kirkie
- kirk session
- kirkyaird hoast
- kirn
- kirn baby
- kirnel
- kirn supper
- kirr
- kirsten
- kirstenin piece
- kist
- kist o whustles
- kit
- kitchen
- kitchie
- kitchie deem
- kith
- kithin
- kittie
- kittie cat
- kittle
- kittle cattle
- kittlie
- kittlin
- kivver
- kizzen
- klondyke
- klondyker
- knab
- knack
- knackie
- knag
- knap
- knapper
- knappie
- kned
- knee
- kneef
- kneep
- kneevle
- kneggum
- knell
- knick
- knidge
- knifie
- knip
- knock
- knoit
- knot
- knotless
- knowe
- knuckle
- knurl
- knuse
- knype
- kwerious
- kyauve
- kye
- kye-time
- kyle
- kyte
- kythe
- kythe to
- kytie
- lab
- labour
- lab-sided
- lace
- lacer
- lachter
- lad
- lad bairn
- lade
- lad o pairts
- lady
- lady hen
- lady's thummles
- laft
- lag
- lagger
- laggin
- laib
- laibach
- laich
- laid
- laidron
- laif
- laif breid
- laig
- laik
- laip
- lair
- laird
- lairge
- laith
- laldie
- lallan
- Lallans
- lambie
- lamb's lugs
- lame
- lame tig
- lammie-meh
- lamp
- lance
- land
- lander
- landlord
- land moose
- land o the leal
- landward
- lane
- lanelie
- lang
- lang ale
- langammachie
- lang back
- lang drink
- lang-heid
- lang kent
- langle
- lang leeks
- lang-luggit
- lang lugs
- lang-nebbit
- langour
- langsome
- lang syne
- lanimer
- Lanimer Day
- lap
- lape
- lapper
- lapster
- lapster creel
- larick
- larkie
- larrie
- laskit
- lass
- lassie
- lassie bairn
- lassie boy
- lassock
- lass o pairts
- lat
- lat aff
- lat at
- lat be
- latch
- latchet
- lat doon
- lat on
- lat ower
- lat see
- latten
- lauch
- lauchen
- laucht
- lave
- laverock
- law
- law-agent
- lawer
- lawin
- lawland
- Lawlander
- lay
- lay aff
- lay at
- lay by
- lay in
- lay intae
- laylock
- lay on
- lay past
- lay till
- lea
- leaf
- leal
- leam
- lean
- leap
- leapit
- lear
- lea rig
- learn
- leash
- leather
- leave
- leave-o
- leave piece
- leck
- ledder
- leddy launners
- lee
- leemit
- lee on
- leep
- leepit
- leerie
- leerie-la
- leerup
- leesome
- leet
- leetanie
- leetera
- leeterarie
- leeve
- leeve aff
- leevin
- left-fitter
- leg
- leg aff
- leg on
- leid
- leidie
- lempit
- len
- lench
- lenth
- lerb
- less
- lest
- lestie
- let bat
- letten
- leuch
- leuk
- leuk efter
- leuk ower
- leuk see!
- leuk till
- lew
- lewder
- licht
- lichtfit
- lichtie
- lichtlie
- lichtlifie
- lichtsome
- lick
- lickerie
- lickerie stick
- lie
- lie doon
- lien
- lifelike
- lifie
- lift
- lig
- liggat
- like
- likely
- likeness
- liken tae
- liker
- lilt
- lily
- limb
- lime
- limmer
- lin
- line
- liner
- lingel
- lingel-backit
- link
- linkie
- links
- linn
- lint
- lintel
- lintie
- lint-white
- lip
- lippen
- lipper
- lippie
- lippin-fou
- lirk
- lisk
- lith
- lithe
- lithocks
- little-boukit
- little fowks
- little worth
- littlin
- livin-like
- loan
- loch
- lochan
- Lochgelly
- lockfast
- logan
- Londoners
- longie
- long leet
- long lie
- lood
- lood oot
- lood-spoken
- loom
- loomie
- loon
- loonder
- loop
- loopie
- loorach
- loorie
- loose
- loosome
- loot
- lootch
- loot-shoothered
- lorie
- lorin
- Lorne sausage
- losh
- loss
- lovanentie
- lovie
- lowden
- lowder
- lowe
- lown
- lowp
- lowpen
- lowpin
- lowp the cuddie
- lowse
- lowsed
- lowsen
- lowsin time
- lubbard
- luck
- lucken
- luckenbooth
- luckenbooth brooch
- luckie
- luck penny
- lucky box
- lucky daddie
- lucky minnie
- lucky minnie's oo
- lucky poke
- lucky pot
- lug
- lug-chair
- luggie
- luif
- luiffie
- luim
- lum
- lum hat
- lump
- lunkie
- lunt
- luppen
- luve
- lyart
- lyin money
- lyin time
- lyke
- lyre
- lythe
- ma
- Mac
- machair
- Mackay
- made
- made diet
- made lee
- made tie
- mad wi it
- mae
- magerful
- maggie
- maggot
- maggotie
- magink
- magowk
- magowk's day
- maik
- main door
- mainner
- mains
- mair
- mairch
- mairriage
- mairriage braws
- mairry
- mairtin
- mairtyr
- maisles
- maist
- maister
- maisterful
- maistlie
- maistlins
- maithe
- maitter
- major-mindit
- mak
- makar
- mak by
- makdoon
- mak doon
- mak for
- mak intae
- makit
- mak it up
- makkit
- mak o
- mak-on
- mak on
- mak oot
- mak up
- mak up on
- malafooster
- malagruize
- male
- mallimoke
- mam
- mament
- mammie
- mammie-keekie
- man
- man-big
- man bodie
- mane
- mang
- manish
- man-keeper
- mankit
- man-muckle
- mannie
- man o business
- manse
- mant
- many
- map
- mappie
- mappie's-mous
- mappit
- mar
- march
- mardle
- mark
- markit
- marl
- marlie
- maroonjous
- marriet on
- marrot
- marrow
- marrowless
- mart
- masel
- mash
- mashlum
- mask
- maskin pot
- massacker
- massie
- mat
- match
- mattrass
- maucht
- mauchtless
- maugre
- mauk
- mauk flee
- maukie
- maukin
- maukit
- maumie
- maun
- mauna
- maun-be
- maut
- mavis
- maw
- mawit
- mawn
- mawsie
- maybe
- meal
- mealie dumplin
- mealie puddin
- mean
- meantime
- mear
- meat
- meat-hail
- meat tea
- meechie
- meedow
- meefie
- meel
- meelack
- meenit
- meeserable
- meesick
- meet in wi
- Meg
- Meggie-lickie-spinnie
- Meggie wi the monie feet
- megrim
- megstie me
- meith
- mell
- melt
- menadge
- mend
- mends
- men-folk
- mense
- mensefu
- menseless
- menyie
- mercat
- merchant
- mergie
- merle
- Merry Dancers
- merry-ma-tanzie
- merse
- message
- messages
- messan
- methery
- mettle
- meuw
- Mey
- mey-flooer
- miauve
- micht
- michty
- michty me
- mickle
- midden
- middle
- middlin
- midge
- midgie
- midgie-man
- midgie-motor
- midgie-raker
- mids
- mill
- millart
- mill-lade
- mim
- mimp
- minch
- mind
- mindin
- mineer
- mines
- ming
- mingin
- minister
- mink
- minker
- minnie
- minnon
- minschie
- mint
- miraculous
- mird wi
- mire-duck
- mirk
- mirkie
- mirkness
- mirligoes
- mirls
- misbehadden
- misbelieve
- misca
- miscairrie
- mischancie
- mischief
- mischieve
- misdoot
- misert
- misert pig
- misfit
- misfortunat
- misgae
- misguide
- mishanter
- misken
- mislearit
- mislippen
- misluck
- misluckit
- mismak
- misrestit
- miss
- misslie
- mistaen
- mistak
- mistime
- mistress
- mith
- mither
- mither's bairn
- mither's pet
- mitten
- mittle
- mixter-maxter
- mizzer
- moch
- mochie
- moger
- moggan
- moidert
- mole
- molie
- molligrant
- mon
- Monanday
- monie
- moniment
- month
- moog
- moolie
- moose
- moose web
- moot
- mooth
- moothfae
- moothie
- moppie
- morn
- morn-come-never
- mornin
- morra
- moss
- moss bluiter
- moss cheeper
- mosscrop
- mossy
- most
- mote
- mottie
- mou
- moul
- moulie
- moup
- mouser
- mout
- mowd
- mowdie
- mowdieman
- mowdiewort
- mows
- moyen
- moze
- much
- muck
- muck flee
- muckle
- muckle-boukit
- muck midden
- mudge
- mudgins
- mug
- mugger
- muggle
- muggy
- muid
- muild
- muilder
- muin
- muinlicht
- muir
- muirburn
- muircheeper
- muircock
- muir duck
- muir fowl
- muirhen
- muith
- muive
- mulberry
- mull
- mullie
- multi
- mummle
- mump
- munsie
- munt
- munting
- murl
- murlack
- murlie
- murlin
- murn
- murnin
- murr
- murther
- murtherer
- mutch
- myowt
- na
- na
- nab
- nabal
- nabb
- nacket
- nae
- naebdy
- nae bit
- nae neen
- nae ordinar
- naething
- nae weel
- naewey
- naewhere
- naig
- nail
- nain
- nainsell
- naipkin
- nairra
- nairra-begaun
- nairra-boukit
- naither
- naitherins
- naitur
- nakit
- name
- name dochter
- name faither
- namelie
- name mither
- namer
- name son
- nane
- nap
- naperie
- napper
- nappie
- nar
- narr
- narrer
- narrest
- na-say
- nash
- nash-gab
- natch
- natter
- near
- near aboots
- near-begaun
- nearby
- near cut
- near hand
- near-hand cut
- nearlins
- near the bane
- near the bit
- neat
- neb
- nebbie
- nebfu
- necessar
- neck
- ned
- neddie
- neebor
- neeborhood
- neebor wi
- neebourless
- need
- needcessitie
- needle
- neep
- neep-heid
- neep lantern
- Ne'er
- Ne'er day
- neet
- neetie
- neeze
- negleck
- neir
- neist
- nervish
- nesh
- ness
- nestie
- nether
- nettercap
- nettle
- neuk
- neukit
- nevel
- nevoy
- new
- newfangle
- new-farrant
- newlins
- news
- newsie
- next
- nib
- nibbie
- nibble
- nicher
- nicht
- nick
- nickie
- nickie-tams
- nickle naething
- nickum
- nid nid noddin
- nieve
- nievie-nievie-nicknack
- niggart
- nimm
- nimmle
- nimp
- nimsh
- nine
- ninesome
- nineteen canteen
- nineteent
- nint
- nip
- nip-lug
- nip-nebs
- nippit
- nippitie
- nippy
- nippy sweetie
- nipscart
- nirlie
- nit
- nitch
- nither
- nivver
- niz
- nizwise
- no
- no bad
- nocht
- nochtie
- nollie
- noo
- nooadays
- noona
- noop
- nor
- norie
- norland
- Norroway
- norter
- northart
- northlins
- notice
- notion
- novelle
- nowt
- nowt beast
- nowther
- nowther nor
- nuin
- nummer
- numpty
- nurr
- nurrin
- nyaff
- nyarb
- o
- oam
- oanythin
- oar
- oarie boat
- obleege
- obleegement
- observe
- och
- och away
- och aye
- ocht
- offer
- offski
- Old Firm
- on
- oncairrie
- oncome
- onding
- onfaw
- ongaeins
- ongang
- onie
- oniebodie
- onieweys
- on yer hunkers
- oo
- oof
- ook
- ool
- oolet
- oopie stiffie
- oor
- oor ane
- oorie
- oorit
- oorlich
- oos
- oosie
- oot
- oot aboot
- oot at
- ootby
- ootcast
- ootcome
- ootgane
- ootgang
- ootgate
- ootgaun
- oother
- ootland
- ootlay
- ootmaist
- oot o
- oot on
- oot ower
- ootrel
- oots an ins
- ootset
- ootside
- ootsider
- oot-stair
- ootwork
- ootworker
- open
- or
- oranger
- ordeen
- orders
- ordinar
- orp
- orra
- orral
- orraman
- ort
- outwith
- over
- owdience
- ower
- owerance
- ower aw
- owerby
- owercome
- owerend
- owergae
- owerheid
- owerlie
- owerset
- owertaen
- owerturn
- owerword
- owsen
- owthor
- oxter
- Pace
- Pace egg
- Pace egg day
- pack
- packman
- pad
- Paddy's Market
- Paddy's Milestone
- paewae
- paidle
- paik
- painch
- paip
- pair
- paircel
- pairish
- pairlament
- pairt
- pairtie
- pairtner
- Paisley buddie
- paitrick
- paittern
- palaver
- pale
- palie
- pall
- pallall
- pallalls
- palmie
- pan
- pan breid
- pancake
- pandie
- pan drop
- panel
- pang
- pani
- pan-jotral
- pan loaf
- pant
- pap
- pape
- papple
- paraffin
- parawd
- Paris bun
- park
- parkie
- parlie
- parr
- parritch
- parry
- partan
- parteecular
- Pasch Day
- pass
- past
- past aw
- pat
- patch
- pauchle
- pavey-waveys
- paw
- pawkie
- pawnd
- pawpie
- pawt
- peace
- pearl
- pease
- peasie
- peat hag
- peats
- pech
- pechie
- pecht
- peek
- peel
- peeler
- peelie-wallie
- peelie-wersh
- peels
- peen
- peenge
- peengie
- peen-heid
- peenie
- peeoy
- peep
- peer
- peerie
- peerie-heel
- peerie-heidit
- peerie-weerie
- peerie-winkie
- peesie
- peesie-weesie
- peesweep
- peety
- peety me
- peever
- peeverie beds
- peevers
- pellock
- pelter
- pen
- pend
- penny
- penny-bookie
- penny wedding
- pent
- penurious
- perfit
- perish
- perisht
- perjink
- perk
- perkin
- perlaig
- perlicket
- pernicketie
- pest
- pet
- peter
- peter-dick
- Peter's thoom
- peth
- petticoat tails
- pettit lip
- pettle
- peuch
- peuchle
- peuther
- pewl
- pey
- pey aff
- photie
- phrase
- phrasie
- pibroch
- picher
- pick
- pickie
- pickit
- pickle
- pickman
- pickmaw
- pick on
- pick someone up
- pickthank
- pict
- pictarnie
- picter
- pie
- piece
- piece box
- piece denner
- piece poke
- piece-time
- pie-eyed
- pig
- pike
- pikie
- pikit weer
- pile
- piler
- pilk
- piller
- pinch
- pincher
- pinchers
- pine
- pingle
- pinheid meal
- pink
- pinkie
- pin-leg
- pint
- pintit
- pipe
- pipe major
- piper
- piper's biddin
- piper's news
- pirl
- pirlie
- pirlie pig
- pirn
- pirr
- pirrie
- pirr-maw
- pish-minnie
- Piskie
- piss
- pit
- pit aff
- pit awa
- pitawtie
- pitawtie bogle
- pit by
- pitcher
- pit-on
- pit on
- pit-past
- pit tae
- pitten
- pitten-on
- pit yersel awa
- pizzer
- plack
- plackless
- plaid
- plain
- plain breid
- plainie
- plain loaf
- plainstanes
- plaister
- plane
- plank
- plapper
- plash
- plashie
- plat
- platch
- platchie
- platchin
- play
- playock
- play piece
- plead
- pleat
- pled
- pleep
- pleesant
- pleesure
- plenish
- plenishin
- plet
- plettie
- pleuch
- pleuchie
- plink
- pliskie
- plivver
- plodge
- plook
- plookie
- ploom
- plot
- plowd
- plowder
- plowp
- plowster
- plowt
- plowter
- ploy
- pluff
- pluffer
- pluffie
- plug
- plump
- plunk
- plunker
- plunkie
- plype
- poatch
- podlie
- poke
- poke puddin
- poke shakkins
- pokey-hat
- policies
- polis
- pollywag
- poochle
- pook
- pookie
- pookit
- poolie
- poopit
- poor
- poorie
- poor-oot
- poor oot
- pooshion
- poost
- poot
- pootch
- poother
- pootherie
- pootie
- porr
- port
- porter biscuit
- pose
- posh
- posie
- positive
- post
- postal uplift
- pottage
- potterlowe
- pottie
- pottit heid
- pou
- povereese
- pow
- poweheid
- powk
- powl
- pownie
- powt
- powter
- praisent
- pran
- prap
- prattick
- preceese
- pree
- preen
- preen-cod
- preen-heid
- preen-heidit
- preen-tae
- prent
- preparatory service
- presbytery
- present
- presently
- preses
- press
- pretty
- price
- prickle
- pridefu
- prig
- prime
- primp
- primsie
- prink
- prinkie
- prinkle
- privy hedge
- procurator fiscal
- Prod
- prog
- prood
- proven
- providin
- provost
- pruif
- pruive
- pruivit
- public room
- pud
- puddin
- puddock
- puddock's cruddles
- puddock stuil
- puff
- puffer
- puggie
- puggled
- puil
- puir
- puirtith
- pumphal
- punce
- pund
- punt-up
- puppie
- puppie show
- pure
- purfelt
- purl
- purls
- purpie
- purpose
- pursuer
- pus
- push
- puss
- putt
- putten
- pyot
- quaich
- quaik
- quak
- quakin-bog
- qualifying examination
- quarrel
- quat
- quate
- quaw
- queek
- queen
- Queen Mary
- Queen of the South
- queen o the meadow
- queer
- queerie
- queeriosity
- queesitive
- quern
- querny
- question
- quey
- quick
- quickens
- quick water
- quine
- quink goose
- quinkins
- quirk
- quirky
- quit
- quoit
- quorum
- ra
- rabbit's sugar
- race
- rack
- rackle
- rackless
- rackon
- rade
- radge
- radgie
- radical
- rael
- raep
- raff
- raffie
- raft
- rag
- ragdoll
- ragger
- raggie
- raggit
- raggle
- ragglish
- ragnail
- ragweed
- raible
- raik
- raip
- rair
- raise
- raised
- raither
- raivel
- raivelt
- raivelt hesp
- rake
- rame
- ramfeezle
- rammie
- rammish
- rammle
- ramp
- rampage
- ramscooter
- ramsh
- ramstam
- ramstougar
- rance
- randan
- rander
- randie
- range
- rank
- rannoch
- ranshackle
- ransom
- rant
- ranter
- rantin
- rantinlie
- rap
- raploch
- raploch grey
- rapture
- rare
- rash
- rashie
- rasp
- rat
- ratch
- rat's tail
- rattle
- rattlestane
- ratton
- rauchle
- raucht
- raucle
- rave
- raverie
- raw
- rax
- reach
- read
- readily
- readin sweetie
- ready
- reak
- reakit
- ream
- reamie
- reboond
- receipt
- rector
- red
- red brae
- redd
- reddin up
- redd up
- red fish
- red wuid
- ree
- reek
- reekie
- reekie-mire
- reekin
- reekit
- reel
- reel-rall
- reemis
- reemish
- reen
- reenge
- reerie
- reesle
- reest
- reeve
- reevin
- reezie
- reft
- refuise
- regaird
- regairdless
- regibus
- reid
- reid mad
- reid nakit
- reid road
- reive
- reived
- reiver
- Reiver's Lass
- remainder
- remeid
- remember
- remorse
- remuve
- renaig
- repeat
- replenish
- reset
- reset of theft
- resetter
- residenter
- respeck
- restrick
- retiral
- rex
- rheumatise
- rheums
- rhyme
- rhymeless
- rib
- ribble-rabble
- richt
- richt noo
- richt oot
- ricket
- ricketie
- rickle
- rickle o banes
- ricklie
- rickmatick
- ridder
- ride
- ride-out
- Riding of the Marches
- rife
- rift
- riftin fou
- rig
- rig-bane
- riggin
- riglin
- rime
- rimple
- rim-ram
- rimwale
- rin
- rinaboot
- rinagate
- rin ahin
- rin-a-mile
- rind
- ring
- ringin
- ringle
- rin in by
- rink
- rinner
- rin oot
- rinse
- rin-there-oot
- rip
- ripe
- rippet
- ripture
- rise
- risp
- rissom
- rit
- rither
- rive
- rive at
- rived
- rizzar
- rizzert
- rizzon
- road
- road-end
- roadie
- roadit
- roarie
- roarin game
- roast
- roaster
- roastin
- roastit
- Robbie-rin-the-hedge
- robin
- robin-rin-the-hedge
- Rob Roy
- rochian
- rock
- rock bool
- rock cod
- rocket
- rock halibut
- rockie row
- rocklie
- rock partan
- rock turbot
- rodden
- roddie
- rode
- rollie-pin
- rone
- rone pipe
- rook
- rookettie
- rookettie doo
- rookie
- room
- room an kitchen
- room-end
- roond
- roopie
- roose
- rooser
- roost
- roostie
- roset
- rosidandrum
- rossen
- rouk
- roukie
- round-steak
- roup
- roupie
- rout
- rove
- rowan
- rowan berry
- rowan tree
- rowe
- rowe-chow
- rowe-chow tobacco
- rower
- rowie
- rowst
- rowt
- rowth
- rowthie
- royet
- rub
- rubbage
- ruch
- ruck
- ruckie
- ruckle
- rudas
- rue
- rue on
- rug
- ruif
- ruif-tree
- ruind
- ruit
- rumgumption
- rummle
- rummledethump
- rummlie
- rump
- rump and stump
- rung
- runkelt
- runkle
- run-knot
- runt
- runtit
- Sabbath
- sacrament
- sad
- sae
- sae bein
- saft
- saft biscuit
- saftick
- saftie
- saicant
- saidle
- saikless
- sail
- sain
- saip
- saip graith
- sair
- sair aff
- sair duin
- saired
- sairgint
- sair hand
- sair heid
- sair heidie
- sair hert
- sairie
- sairin
- sairious
- sair teeth
- sair wame
- sair yin
- saison
- saithe
- saitin
- saitisfee
- sake
- sald
- sall
- same
- Sammy dreep
- san
- sandal
- Sandie
- sand lowper
- sandy laverock
- sang
- sannie
- sanshach
- sap
- sappie
- sapple
- sapples
- sapsie
- sark
- sarkfu
- sarkin
- Sassenach
- sassenger
- sat
- sate
- sattle
- sauch
- saucy
- sauf
- saul
- saumon
- saumon lowp
- saunt
- saur
- saurless
- saut
- saw
- sax
- saxt
- saxteen
- saxteent
- saxtie
- say
- say away
- say wi
- scabbie-heid
- scabbit
- scaff
- scaffie
- scaffie cairt
- scailie
- scalder
- scale
- scallion
- scam
- scance
- scant
- scantlins
- scar
- scart
- scash
- scatter
- scaud
- scauld
- scaup
- scaur
- scaw
- scawt
- scent
- scheme
- schemie
- scholar
- scissor
- sclaff
- sclaffer
- sclaffert
- sclammer
- sclatch
- sclate
- sclender
- sclice
- sclim
- scly
- scob
- scodge
- scodgie brat
- scomfish
- scondies
- scone
- scoobied
- scooby
- scoor
- scoorie
- scoor-oot
- scoot
- scooter
- scootie
- score
- scorie
- Scotch convoy
- Scotch horses
- scowder
- scowe
- scowes
- scowthe
- scrae
- scramble
- scran
- scrape
- scrat
- scratcher
- scrauchle
- scree
- screed
- screenge
- screeve
- scrieve
- scriever
- scrimp
- scrimpie
- scrimpit
- scrog
- scroggie
- scroll
- scronach
- scroo
- scroosh
- scruif
- scrunt
- scruntie
- scruntit
- scud
- scudder
- scuddie
- scuddle
- scuddlin claes
- scuff
- scuffie
- scuffin
- scug
- scuil
- scuip
- sculduddery
- scull
- scullery
- scult
- scum
- scunge
- scunner
- scunneration
- scunnersome
- scunnert
- scur
- scurr
- scurrievaig
- scurry
- scush
- scutch
- scutter
- scutterie
- sea loch
- seam
- sea maw
- sea pyot
- search
- sea tangle
- seater
- sea toon
- secretar
- sederunt
- see
- see aboot
- see after
- see at
- seeck
- seed
- seein glass
- seek
- seen
- seendil
- seerup
- seestu
- see thegither
- see till
- seeven
- seevensome
- seevent
- seeventeen
- seeventeent
- seeventie
- seg
- seggan
- seil
- seilie
- sel
- selkie folk
- Selkirk bannock
- sell
- selt
- semmit
- semple
- ser
- serve
- servit
- session
- session clerk
- session house
- set
- set awa
- set by
- sett
- set tae
- setten
- set-up
- set up
- Seturday
- Seturday's penny
- severals
- sey
- shae
- shaif
- shair
- shairn
- shairp
- shak
- shakers
- shakken
- shakkins o the poke
- shakkit
- shalder
- sham
- shammle
- shan
- shangie
- shank
- shankie
- shanks's naig
- shanna
- shape
- sharg
- shauchle
- shauchlin
- shauld
- shaup
- shaw
- shawlie
- shear
- shear moose
- shears
- sheave
- shed
- sheel
- sheelins
- sheen
- sheep fank
- sheepie meh
- sheetit
- shell
- sheltie
- shenachie
- shepherd's check
- sheriff
- sherrack
- sherrackin
- sheuch
- shevel
- shew
- shiel
- shielin
- shift
- shilagie
- shilfa
- shilpie
- shilpit
- shin
- shine
- shirpit
- shither
- shive
- shivereens
- shiverin bite
- shock
- shockle
- shod
- shoddit
- shodit
- shog
- shoggie
- shoggie boat
- shoggie-shoo
- shooder
- shooderie
- shooer
- shoogle
- shooglie
- shook
- shooken
- shoon
- shoot
- shoot the craw
- shop door
- shore
- short
- shortbreid
- shortcome
- shortie
- short leet
- shortlins
- short-set
- shortsome
- shot
- shote
- shot joint
- shott
- shotten
- shottle
- showd
- shreed
- shrood
- shrunkelt
- shuck
- shucken
- shue
- shuggar
- shuil
- shuin
- shuit
- shuit by
- shut tae
- sib tae
- sic
- sic-an-sae
- siccan
- sicht
- sicker
- siclike
- sid
- sidelins
- sidieweys
- siege
- sile
- silkie
- siller
- sillered
- siller shakers
- silly
- silly cuddies
- simmen
- simmer
- simmer cowt
- simmer's day
- sin
- sinder
- sindrie
- sindrins
- sing
- singit
- single
- single end
- sinsyne
- sirple
- sister bairn
- sister son
- sit
- sit doon
- sit in
- sitooterie
- sitten
- sitten-doon
- sixsome
- skaich
- skaik
- skail
- skair
- skaith
- skean dhu
- skeeg
- skeel
- skeelie
- skeelie wife
- skeer
- skeerie
- skeetcher
- skeich
- skeichen
- skelb
- skelf
- skellie
- skelloch
- skellum
- skelp
- skelpin
- skelpit leatherin
- skelter
- skemmels
- skemp
- skep
- skeppie
- skerrie
- sketch
- skew
- skewl
- skice
- skiddle
- skiddlie
- skiff
- skiffer
- skiffin
- skiffle
- skift
- skifter
- skifters
- skilt
- skime
- skimmer
- skin
- skink
- skinkin
- skinkle
- skinnin
- skinny
- skinnymalinky
- skinny tattie
- skin-the-cuddie
- skip
- skippie
- skippit bonnet
- skip raip
- skire
- skirie
- skirl
- skirlie
- skirlie wheeter
- skirl nakit
- skirp
- skirt
- skirvin
- skite
- skiter
- skitie
- skitter
- skitterie
- skitterie feltie
- skive
- skiver
- skleff
- sklent
- skleush
- skliff
- skliffer
- sklinter
- sklone
- sklyte
- skook
- skool
- skoosh
- skoosh car
- skoosher
- skoosh it
- skooshy cream
- skraich
- skrankie
- skrauch
- skreek o day
- skreich
- skrink
- skrunkit
- skulk
- sky
- skybald
- skyrie
- skytcher
- slabber
- slack
- slade
- slae
- slaiger
- slaigerin
- slaik
- slair
- slairie
- slaister
- slaisterie
- slaisterin
- slaister kyte
- slammachs
- slap
- slaps
- slash
- slater
- slaurie
- slaver
- slaw
- sled
- slee
- sleek
- sleekit
- sleep
- sleepie men
- sleep in
- sleesh
- sleetch
- slent
- slerp
- slicht
- slid
- slidden
- slidder
- slidderie
- slide
- slider
- slidey
- slim
- slim ower
- sling
- slingers
- slink
- slip awa
- slip-by
- slipper
- slippy
- slitter
- slitterie
- slive
- sloch
- slock
- slocken
- slockener
- slockin
- slockit
- slogger
- sloom
- sloonge
- sloosh
- slooster
- slootch
- slorach
- slork
- slorp
- slot
- slubber
- sluch
- slug
- slump
- slung
- slunge
- slunk
- slunken
- slush
- slutter
- slype
- sma
- sma-boukit
- smacherie
- smack
- smad
- sma faimilie
- smairg
- smairt
- smairter
- sma lines
- small fish
- smallie
- sma oors
- smarrach
- smash
- smashie
- smatchet
- smatter
- smeddum
- smeek
- smeeker
- smeek oot
- smeerich
- smell
- smelt
- smerghless
- smiddy
- smirk
- smirkie
- smirr
- smirtle
- smit
- smite
- smittin
- smoch
- smochie
- smokie
- smooder
- smook
- smool
- smoorach
- smoorich
- smore
- smorin
- smowt
- smuchter
- smudge
- smuik
- smuir
- smuith
- smush
- smyte
- snab
- snack
- snag
- snagger
- snail
- snap
- snapper
- snar
- snash
- snashters
- snaw
- snaw-bree
- snaw flake
- snaw wreath
- sneck
- sneck-draw
- sned
- sneesh
- sneeshin
- sneeter
- sneevil
- sneist
- sneistie
- snell
- snib
- snicher
- snifter
- snigger
- snipe
- snippit
- snirk
- snirlie
- snirt
- snitchers
- snite
- snitter
- snocher
- snochter
- snochter-dichter
- snod
- snod-up
- snoit
- snoke
- snoot
- snootit
- snoozle
- snore
- snork
- snorl
- snot
- snotter
- snotter box
- snotter-dichter
- snotterie
- snotters
- snuffie
- snuid
- snuil
- snuve
- soad
- sober
- socht
- sock
- sodger
- sodie
- sodie-heid
- sodie-heidit
- sole
- solvendie
- some
- somebit
- somegate
- someplace
- something
- somewey
- sonnet
- Son of the Rock
- sonse
- sonsie
- soo
- sook
- sookie
- sookie soo
- sookie soorocks
- sook in
- sookin teuchit
- sook-the-pappie
- soom
- soond
- soop
- soople
- soor
- soor dook
- soor face
- soorock
- soor ploom
- soo's back
- soo's cruive
- soose
- soo stack
- sooster
- sooth
- sooth awa
- soothie
- sooth-moother
- sorn
- sorra
- sorrafu
- sort
- sosh
- soss
- sot
- sotter
- souch
- souter
- Southron
- sowans
- sowans nicht
- sowff
- sowp
- sowther
- spaad
- spad on
- spae
- spaewife
- spag
- spaik
- spail
- spairge
- spaiver
- spak
- spalebone
- spang
- spang-new
- spank
- spanker
- spankie
- spar
- spare
- spark
- sparkie
- sparra
- sparred
- spat
- spate
- spaul
- spead
- speak
- speak back
- spean
- speariment
- special uplift
- speckie
- speeder
- speeder jenny
- speel
- speendrift
- speerit
- speeshal
- speet
- speir
- speirin
- speirins
- speld
- spelder
- speldin
- spelk
- spell
- spence
- spent
- spentacles
- speug
- spice
- spicket
- spilk
- spin
- spink
- spinner
- spinnin jenny
- spinnin maggie
- spirl
- spirlie
- spitten eemage
- spitter
- splairge
- splashack
- splatch
- splatter
- spleet
- spleet new
- spleuchan
- spleuterie
- spleyter
- splice
- split
- split new
- splitter
- splore
- splurt
- spoatch
- spoot
- spoot fish
- spoot gun
- sporran
- spraff
- spralloch
- sprat
- sprauchle
- spreath
- spreckelt
- spreckle
- spreid
- spring
- sprit-new
- sproosh
- sproosh up
- sproot
- sprot
- sprug
- sprush
- spue
- spuin
- spulyie
- spunk
- spunkie
- spurtle
- spurtle shank
- squaik
- squalloch
- square
- square go
- square sausage
- squatter
- squeak
- squeeb
- squeegee
- squeeter
- squile
- squint
- sta
- stab
- stacher
- stack
- staff
- staig
- stainchel
- stair
- stairheid
- stake
- stake net
- stale
- stalk
- stamack
- stammagast
- stammer
- stance
- standart
- standin
- stane
- stane blin
- stane chack
- stane chipper
- stang
- stank
- stap
- stap-faither
- stappit fou
- star
- stark
- starn
- stathel
- staun
- stave
- staves
- staw
- steading
- steal
- stealt
- steam
- steamie
- steamin
- stech
- steek
- steek an hide
- steekit nieve
- steepend
- steer
- steerie
- steerin
- steg
- steid
- stell
- stench
- stend
- stent
- stenter
- step
- stert
- sterve
- stew
- stey
- stibble
- stick
- stickers
- stickin
- stick in
- stickit
- sticky Willie
- stiddie
- stieve
- still an on
- stilp
- stilpert
- stilt
- stime
- sting
- stinkin
- stinkin Billy
- stinkin Willie
- stint
- stirk
- stirlin
- stob
- stobbie
- stocious
- stock
- stockin
- stockit
- stodge
- stoit
- stoiter
- stondie
- stonie
- stook
- stookie
- stookie eemage
- stoond
- stoop
- stoor
- stoorie
- stoot
- store
- storm windae
- stot
- stotter
- stoun
- stove
- stovies
- stow
- stowed oot
- stowen
- stown
- stowp
- strae
- strae moose
- strag
- straik
- strait
- strak
- stramash
- stramp
- strang
- stranger
- strap
- strapper
- strath
- strathspey
- strauchle
- straucht
- straun
- stravaig
- strave
- straw
- streamer
- streek
- streetch
- streetcher
- streeve
- strenth
- stress
- stricken
- striddle
- stridelegs
- stridlins
- strik
- strin
- strip
- stripe
- strippit
- strippit baw
- strive
- strone
- stroonge
- stroop
- stroopach
- stroopie
- strop
- strove
- strowe
- struck
- strucken
- strucken hour
- strum
- strunt
- strushle
- strynge
- stuck
- stucken
- stuckie
- stuff
- stuffie
- stuil
- stuit
- stull
- stumer
- stummle
- stump
- stumpart
- stumparts
- stumpie
- stumpit
- stunk
- stunks
- stunt
- stupit
- sturt
- stushie
- stut
- sud
- suddent
- suddenty
- suddle
- sudna
- sugarallie
- sugarallie watter
- sugar bool
- sugar piece
- sugg
- suin
- suit
- summons
- sumph
- Sunday claes
- Sunday Monday
- Sunday name
- sundoon
- sung
- sun side
- sunweys
- sup
- supper
- sut
- sutten
- swab
- swabble
- swack
- swade
- swag
- swage
- swall
- swalla
- swallie
- swalt
- swang
- swank
- swankie
- swap
- sware
- swaree
- swarf
- swarrach
- swat
- swatch
- swats
- swatten
- swatter
- swaver
- sweamish
- swedger
- sweel
- sweer
- sweerie word
- sweet
- sweet-breid
- sweeten
- sweetie
- sweetie-wife
- sweir-draw
- sweirt
- sweirtie
- sweit
- swelchie
- sweltrie
- swey
- swey boat
- swick
- swiff
- swine crue
- swing
- swinge
- swing rope
- swipper
- swire
- swirl
- swirlie
- swith
- swither
- swore
- swung
- swurd
- swure
- swype
- syboes
- sye
- syes
- syke
- synd
- syne
- synod
- sype
- sypin
- sypins
- syver
- tacht
- tack
- tacken
- tacket
- tackety
- tae
- tae-fa
- taen
- taen-awa
- tae the fore
- taffie
- tag
- taiblet
- taickle
- taid
- taigelt
- taigle
- taiglesome
- taik
- taiken
- tail
- tailie
- tailor's gartens
- tairt
- taisle
- tait
- taiver
- taivers
- taivert
- tak
- tak aboot
- tak aff
- tak awa
- tak doon
- taken
- tak in
- takkie
- tak on
- tak on wi
- tak tae yersel
- tak up
- tak wi
- tale-pyot
- Tallie
- tammie
- tammie cheekie
- tammie reekie
- Tam o Shanter
- tan
- tane
- tang
- tangle
- tangs
- tansy
- tantersome
- tap
- tape
- tappietoorie
- tappin
- tappit
- tappit hen
- taps aff
- tapsalteerie
- taptaes
- tar
- tarbet
- targe
- targer
- target
- tarragat
- tarrock
- tarry
- tarry breeks
- tarry-fingered
- tash
- tashie
- tassie
- taste
- tatterwallop
- tattie
- tattie-beetle
- tattie-bogle
- tattie-broth
- tattie-champer
- tattie-doolie
- tattie hoalidays
- tattie howker
- tattie howkin
- tattie-peelin
- tatties an dab
- tattie scone
- tattie-trap
- taucht
- taupie
- taut
- tautit
- taw
- tawse
- tchop
- tea
- tea an till't
- tea-bread
- tea hand
- tedisome
- tee
- teeger
- teem
- teen
- tee-name
- teenie
- teenie-bash
- Teenie fae Troon
- teentie
- teep
- teepical
- teer
- teerie-orrie
- teet
- teet bo
- teeter
- teetle
- teetotum
- teir
- teistie
- tell
- tellin
- telt
- tenaby
- tend
- tender
- tenement
- tenon
- tent
- tentie
- tentless
- terrible
- tersie versie
- tether
- tethery
- teuch
- teuchit
- teuchit's storm
- teuch Jean
- teuchter
- teven
- teylor
- thack
- thae
- thaft
- thairm
- than
- than-a-days
- thankrife
- thanks
- thanksgiving
- that
- thattan
- the
- thee
- theek
- theevil
- thegither
- the Hielands
- their
- theirsel
- them
- there
- thereckly
- therteent
- thertie
- thesaurer
- these
- thick
- thickness
- thief
- thig
- thin
- thing
- thingmy
- think
- think on
- thir
- thirl
- thirled
- thirteen
- this
- tho
- thocht
- thochtie
- thole
- tholeable
- thole wi
- thon
- thonder
- thoomie
- thoosan
- thorow
- thorter
- thou
- thoum
- thoum-hand
- thowe
- thowless
- thraad
- thraa moose
- thrang
- thrapple
- thrash
- thraw
- thrawcruik
- thrawed
- thrawn
- threap
- threave
- three-fower
- threeple
- threeplet
- threid
- threid dry
- threit
- threy
- thrissel
- thrist
- throttle
- throu
- througate
- througaun
- throu hoose
- throuither
- throu-pit
- thummle
- thunner
- thunner-an-lichtenin
- thunner-plump
- thy
- Tibbie Thiefie
- tice
- ticht
- tichten
- ticht-hauden
- tick
- ticket
- tickie
- tickie-tak
- tickle
- tickler
- tickly
- tid
- tide
- tift
- tig
- tike
- till
- Tim
- time
- time o day
- timeous
- timmer
- timmer-tuned
- timorsome
- tingle
- tink
- tinker
- tinker's tea
- tinkie
- tinnie
- tint
- tip
- tippence
- tippenie-nippenie
- tippertaes
- tippertin
- tippie
- tippin
- tip up
- tire
- tirl
- tirlie-whirlie
- tirr
- tirraneese
- tirrivee
- tirr-wirr
- tishie
- tit
- titch
- tither
- titlin
- tittie
- tittle
- toalie
- tobacco fleuk
- toby
- tocher
- tod
- tod and lambs
- toddie's grund
- tod-i-the-faul
- tod-lowrie
- toit
- tolbooth
- tomatie
- tongue
- tongue-tackit
- tonguie
- tooch
- tooel
- tooken
- toon
- toondie
- toon heid
- toon hoose
- toonie
- toonship
- toon's speak
- toopie
- toor
- toorie
- toosh
- toosht
- toot
- tooter
- toother
- tore
- torie
- torn face
- torter
- tortie
- tosh
- tossel
- tot
- tottie
- totum
- touse
- tousie
- tousie tea
- tousle
- touslie
- tove
- towe
- towrow
- towt
- towtie
- traad
- traan
- track
- trade
- trades holidays
- tradesman
- traffeck
- traicle
- traicle gundie
- traicle scone
- traik
- trail
- traison
- trait
- traivel
- traiveller
- tram
- tramp
- trampers
- trampie
- trance
- transack
- trap
- trauchle
- treeple
- treesh
- treetle
- tremendous
- tremmle
- tremmlin tree
- tress
- trews
- tricker
- trickit
- trid
- triffle
- trift
- trig
- trig up
- trimmlin tam
- trink
- trinkle
- trinnle
- trintle
- trith
- troch
- troke
- troll
- trollie-bags
- trollop
- trollopie
- tron
- troon
- troosers
- troot
- trootie
- trot
- trottle
- trouble
- trowe
- trumph
- trusdar
- tryst
- trystin
- tuckie
- tuik
- tuil
- tuim
- tuip
- tuip-lamb
- tuith
- tuithful
- tulloch
- tulyie
- tumfie
- tummle
- tummock
- tumshie
- tumshie heid
- tune
- turbot
- turk
- turn
- turneep
- turnpike
- turr
- tushilago
- tusk
- tusker
- twa
- twa-bedded
- twa-eyed steak
- twa-faul
- twa-handit crack
- twal
- twal hours
- twang
- tween
- tweetle
- twelt
- twicet
- twig
- twin
- twine
- twintie
- twosome
- tyauve
- tyne
- typin
- typit
- Tysday
- ug
- uggin
- uggit
- ugly
- ugsome
- uilie pig
- umberella
- unable
- unbonnie
- unbraw
- uncannie
- unchancie
- unco
- unco fowk
- unco guid
- uncos
- unction
- undecent
- une
- unfarrant
- unfreend
- unhonest
- unkent
- unless
- unner
- unnerstan
- untowtherlie
- unweel
- unwicelike
- up
- upbring
- upby
- upcast
- upfeshin
- uphaud
- upheeld
- upheld
- uplift
- upon
- uppie
- uppies
- upple
- upredd
- upreddin
- upset
- upsides
- upstanding
- uptail
- uptak
- up wi
- ur
- ure
- us
- us anes
- use
- useless
- usual
- vaig
- vaige
- vainish
- variorum
- vauntie
- vawse
- veecious
- veesit
- veesitor
- veet
- veeve
- vennel
- vent
- vermin
- verra
- veshel
- vex
- vext
- virr
- vision
- vizzie
- voar
- voe
- voo
- vrat
- vrutten
- vyow
- wa
- wa
- wab
- wabbit
- wabble
- wabblie
- wabster
- wad
- waddin
- wade
- wadna
- wae
- waesome
- waff
- waffle
- wag
- wa-gang
- wag-at-the-wa
- wa-gaun
- waggie
- waik
- wait
- wait on
- walcome
- wale
- walk
- wall
- wall grass
- wallie
- wallie close
- wallie dug
- wallie money
- walloch
- wallop
- walloper
- wallopie
- wallydrag
- waly
- wame
- wammilie
- wammle
- wan
- wand
- wander
- wandert
- wanluck
- want
- wantin
- wap
- wapinschaw
- wappen
- waps
- ware
- wark
- warld
- warldlike
- warm
- warmer
- warrior
- warse
- warsle
- warsle throu
- warslin
- warst
- wase
- wash
- washen
- washer wife
- washt
- wasnae
- wasp
- wast
- waste
- waster
- wastert
- watch
- water
- water bobbie
- water brash
- water clearer
- water dog
- water fit
- water gate
- watergaw
- water heid
- water horse
- water mouth
- water water
- watery
- watery wagtail
- watshod
- wauch
- wauchelt
- wauchle
- waucht
- wauk
- wauken
- waukened
- waukenin
- waukrife
- waulk
- waulking song
- waur
- waur-faured
- waw
- wax cloth
- wean
- wear awa
- wearifu
- wearin
- weary
- weary for
- weather
- weave
- weaver
- weaver-kneed
- wecht
- wee
- weeack
- wee barra
- weed
- weegie
- wee hauf
- wee heavy
- wee hoose
- weel
- weel-daein
- weel-faured
- weel-saired
- wee man
- weemen
- weer
- wee scuil
- weesh
- weet
- wee team
- wee thing
- weetie
- weetit
- weet thowe
- wee yins
- weezer
- weir
- weird
- weirdie
- weird wife
- well-fired
- well-set
- wernae
- wersh
- wes
- weskit
- wey
- wey bauks
- wey butter
- weys
- wha
- whaal
- whack
- whalp
- whan
- whanever
- whang
- whar
- whase
- what
- whatever
- what o'clock is it?
- whaup
- wheeber
- wheech
- wheen
- wheep
- wheeple
- wheeriorum
- wheesher
- wheesht
- wheetie
- wheeze
- wheezles
- whid
- whidder
- whiff
- whigmaleerie
- while
- whiles
- whilie
- whilk
- whin
- whip
- whipper-in
- whirl
- whirligig
- whistle
- white
- white breid
- white gowan
- white hoolet
- white iron
- white puddin
- white siller
- whither
- whitna
- whitterick
- whittie-whattie
- whittle
- whit wey?
- whummle
- whuppitie-stourie
- whush
- whusky
- why
- wi
- wicelike
- wicht
- wick
- wicked
- widdie
- widdle
- wide
- wideo
- widow
- widow man
- wife
- wifes
- wifie
- wiggletie-waggletie
- wild
- wildfire
- wild rhubarb
- will
- will cat
- willie goo
- willie wagtail
- Willie Wassle
- willie-waught
- wiltu
- wimple
- win
- win aboon
- win asleep
- win at
- win awa
- win by
- winch
- wind
- windae
- windae-sole
- windle
- windlestrae
- win in
- win in wi
- winna
- win on
- win oot
- win ower
- win tae
- winter
- winter-dykes
- wi'oot
- wire
- wirm
- wirr
- wise
- wisker
- wiss
- wit
- witch
- witches' paps
- withershins
- within
- witter
- wittin
- wives
- wizzen
- won
- wood hyacinth
- word
- worn
- worricow
- worry
- woun
- wowe
- wowff
- wrack
- wrait
- wran
- wranch
- wrang
- wrannie
- wrapper
- wratch
- wraught
- wreath
- wricht
- writ
- write
- writer
- written
- wrocht
- wrunkle
- wrut
- wrutten
- wuid
- wulk
- wullint
- wumman
- wumman-bodie
- wumman-grown
- wumman-muckle
- wund
- wunda-swalla
- wunner
- wup
- wur
- wurn
- wutten
- wynd
- wynt
- wyte
- yabble
- yaff
- yair
- yaird
- yairn
- yaise
- yak
- yaldi
- yall
- yallochie
- yammer
- yank
- yap
- yatt
- yatter
- yauld
- ye
- Yeel
- yeez
- yeld
- yella
- yella fish
- yella gowan
- yella gum
- yella lintie
- yella yite
- yer
- yerk
- yersel
- yesk
- yestreen
- yet
- yett
- yeuk
- yeukie
- yird
- yirn
- yirnin
- yiss
- yite
- yitter
- yiz
- yo
- yoke
- yokin
- yokin time
- yoldrin
- yole
- yon
- yonder
- yont
- young laird
- younker
- yous
- youse
- youthheid
- youthie
- yowdendrift
- yowe
- yowe-lamb
- yowf
- yowff
- yowie
- yowt
- yuck
- yuffie