100 Scots Words from Outlander

With a Foreword by Diana Gabaldon

Dictionaries of the Scots Language are delighted to present 100 Scots Words from Outlander, building on the success of our Scots Word of the Week series (published on Saturdays in The Herald) and our 100 Favourite Scots Words (2019).

Some years ago, we observed significant spikes in searches for words that don’t usually appear in our top word searches, such as JoSassine and Collieshangie. It became clear these were Scots words featured in Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander book series, so we asked a small group of readers to read the books and excerpt the Scots words. Their word lists revealed the extensive research Diana had clearly done into the Scots of her novels’ historical era. One hundred of them form the basis of this publication.

We are very grateful for the warm encouragement and support of Diana Gabaldon, who has provided a foreword to 100 Scots Words from Outlander. We are also grateful to her agent and publishers for their support and permission to reproduce lines from the Outlander book series.