
adjective (of a struggle etc) sair, stieve; (of a blow etc) uncannie; (trying) coorse NORTH-EAST; (difficult to understand) crank; (of a bargain) strait; (of people, actions) dour.
adverb (laboriously) sair.
harden (your heart) steek.
hardly scantlins, jimp.
hardship hard.
hard cash dry siller.
hard-pressed wi yer back tae the wa, sair pit(ten) tae: sair pitten tae, tae fin a babysitter.
hard-up ticht, plackless.
hard-worked sair wrocht.
hard-working warslin.
hard-working person hinger-in.
be hard on (clothes) be sair on, be heavy on, be a heavy neibour on.