1 clair; (of light etc) skire.
2 (cleared) redd (oot).
1 (eg a space, a passage) redd; (a fireplace, pipe of ash) ripe.
2 (the throat, nose etc) redd NORTH.
‣ clearance redd(-oot), redd-han(d).
‣ cleared redd: Get that table redd!.
‣ clearing up or clearing redd (up), reddin (up).
‣ clear away set by; (to get more space) redd.
‣ clear out 1 (ditch etc) redd (oot); (bowels etc) scoor. 2 (go away) skice NORTH-EAST.
‣ clear up 1 (tidy) redd (up). 2 (of weather) fair (up), harden (up), cast up.
‣ as clear as crystal see CRYSTAL.