1 (anxiety, worry) thocht.
2 (attention) tent.
1 (trouble yourself) fash.
2 (pay attention) tent.
‣ carefree lichtsome.
‣ careful carefu, carefae, cannie, eydent, tentie NORTH-EAST; (scrupulously) perjink;
‣ careful! mind yersel!, ca cannie!
‣ carefully cannie (lik(e)).
‣ go carefully ca cannie, watch yersel.
‣ careless hashie, tentless, haiveless NORTH, owerlie, hither an yon(t).
‣ carelessly owerlie.
‣ work done carelessly hash.
‣ caretaker (especially of a school) janitor, jannie (informal).
‣ care for keep, see till: See till yer bairns!; (especially children, animals) guide.
‣ not care a fig no care a docken.
‣ take care of tak tent o, leuk ower, keep.