
1 (anxiety, worry) thocht.
2 (attention) tent.
1 (trouble yourself) fash.
2 (pay attention) tent.
carefree lichtsome.
careful carefu, carefae, cannie, eydent, tentie NORTH-EAST; (scrupulously) perjink;
careful! mind yersel!, ca cannie!
carefully cannie (lik(e)).
go carefully ca cannie, watch yersel.
careless hashie, tentless, haiveless NORTH, owerlie, hither an yon(t).
carelessly owerlie.
work done carelessly hash.
caretaker (especially of a school) janitor, jannie (informal).
care for keep, see till: See till yer bairns!; (especially children, animals) guide.
not care a fig no care a docken.
take care of tak tent o, leuk ower, keep.
verb wirk, darg.
1 wark.
2 piece of work seam.
3 works (of a mechanism) intimmers.
worked past tense and past participle: wrocht, vrocht NORTH-EAST.
worked up vrocht up NORTH-EAST, on the keevee.
worker (speedy but careless) hasher; (dirty, untidy) scutter, slaister, slitter.
begin work yoke (tae), streek NORTH-EAST.
time to begin work yokin time.
time to finish work lowsin time.
set to work pit tae yer han(d).
stop work lowse.
work clumsily see CLUMSY.
work done carelessly see CARE.
work hard stick in, chaave NORTH-EAST; (until you are exhausted) knock yer pan in.
work for little or nothing work for sweeties.