
adjective caul(d), cald, caal NORTH, cowl(d) SHETLAND, ORKNEY, NORTH, ARGYLL, ULSTER; (causing or likely to feel cold) cauldrif(e); (feeling very cold) stervin (wi caul(d)), perisht wi caul(d); (looking cold and miserable) nithert, oorie; (in manner) cauldrif(e); (of the weather: bitterly) snell, thin; (and raw) oorie; (and showery) bleeterie NORTH-EAST.
1 (extreme) jeel.
2 (illness) dose o the caul(d); (severe) snifters, sneevils, snochers; (thick, choking) smuchter NORTH-EAST; (slight) glisk o caul(d).
cold as ice see ICE.
run cold (of blood etc) grue.
infected by a cold cauldit: Ye're still cauldit.