‣ dung-fly muck flee, midden flee.
‣ dunghill midden, muck midden.
‣ (small) balls of dung purls; trottles.
‣ large piece of dung doll NORTH-EAST.
‣ clear dung from muck (oot).
‣ smeared with dung sha(i)rnie.
‣ spread with dung muck.
‣ dung-fly muck flee, midden flee. ‣ dunghill midden, muck midden. ‣ (small) balls of dung purls; trottles. ‣ large piece of dung doll NORTH-EAST. ‣ clear dung from muck (oot). ‣ smeared with dung sha(i)rnie. ‣ spread with dung muck. |